Taming This Tyke's Voice Since 2007

Waiting For The Morning



Under the cotton sheets

Face hiding ~

Beneath soft fabric shadow ~

Body contained

Sleepless mind traveling

Beneath soft fabric dreams.


Under the cotton sheets

Soul finds refuge ~

Beneath soft fabric shadow ~

Heart in restraints

Set free in dreams

Beneath soft fabric window.


Under the cotton sheets

Lost soul found love ~

Beneath soft fabric memories ~

Tamed Heart awake

Waiting for the morning

Beneath soft fabric dawn.



6 responses

  1. Wake up sleepy head, there is a big colorful world out there, time to hit the bricks, although the lure of the soft sheets and dreamy thoughts could delay my ventures…I’m afraid I never daly too long in their comforts…it’s ON TO THE WORLD and beauty to discover, I might miss somethin’…

    Have a wonderful day…


    PM00000030000004231 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm07

  2. I’m with Sharon! Start walking! Look how beautiful the day is becoming ~ outside! Breathe it in!

    PM00000030000000331 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm07

  3. But there are times when we need to wait for things to ripen, to mellow. Morning would be sunnier then if we would.

    For patience is a vertue, too.

    I wish you well.

    ~ Jeques

    PM00000040000004231 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm07

  4. Very interesting Jeques. This work has a lovely light feel to it. The photo is spectacular! Thanks for sharing. Hugs, G

    PM00000080000003931 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm07

  5. Really your words are fantastic.

    AM00000090000002931 10, 2007 at 12:00 am07

  6. jeques, sad poem as it is. mellow, yeah thats right. but i like the way you arrange this poem on its sensible repetition of lines. i could imagine how great is the pain that this (imaginary character) thinking. thinking of something that makes his/her heart restless.

    PM00000090000003630 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm09

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