Taming This Tyke's Voice Since 2007

Taking Form

coming and goingsolitude1

My earlier paintings displayed on the walls at home in the Philippines

There is no doubt now in my heart that what I’ve been through were essential in shaping me. I feel like a stone in a river molded by its currents, its rushing waters caress me like a passionate sculptor meticulously shaping me as I take form ~

God’s masterful hands leave imprints all over me.

Yes I’m taking form, for God molds me.

I’ve been drawing since I could remember. When I was a kid, I remember it was the most comforting thing for me to do alone. Everytime I visit my earliest memories, I would always see a child with a pencil and a paper drawing. I thought I was born to do arts and I’m naturally born with the gift.

But nobody really took notice of those earliest signs, nobody in the family took my gift seriously. I was left alone to find out for myself the reasons why I draw at such a young age and to understand that there’s such a thing as passion, that there is such a thing as a gift. It is not easy growing up feeling this itch inside you and not knowing how to cure or what to do with it. I feel the craving to feed my passion, I just don’t know how, no body taught me, I don’t have the resources and I didn’t really understood.

I was born left handed, but when my father forced me to become right handed, it was also a subtle way to supress my artistry. And so I grew up the convetional way, a normal kid but inside is an itch, a craving, my soul hungry for something that it took me years to find out.


Pencil on Paper, by Jeques B. Jamora, 1998

I continue to draw, sketch, and progressed to water colors in my own slow pace. I learned them myself as if they’re the most natural thing for me to do. The arts really didn’t leave me completely even if I was in a far away field of nursing ~ it was like being exiled in a territory not your own and your soul painfully longs for something you don’t really understand. The side spaces of my class notebooks are filled with sketches and they were instrumental for the most unexpected person to discover my gift and do something about it. He was not even my friend then, we were already 4th year college in Nursing. My closest friends knew that I draw, but it took years and for this one person that I didn’t even consider my friend to believe in what I do, to prod me to join a painting contest which I did, and to make me realize my potentials and with that, to him I am forever indebted.

I was a first timer in a painting contest, I was not really sure what I was doing but there was one voice in my head telling me I could paint – I could never forget Ronald – and that was enough to inspire me. I was 3rd place, not bad for a first timer, huh?

I thought it was just a beginners luck or something, that achievement wasn’t enough to convince me. I was just a 3rd placer anyway. But I didn’t know that that one-time thing could stir a rivalry that empowered me to fight a silent battle. The first placer from that contest(that’s his 3rd year win – unbeatable!) commented something about my work, and that I was not deserving. I was hurt in silence but I was challenged. And then there was another contest, which Ronald recommended me again to join, and I did. It was different this time, I became more competitive knowing that my rival was in that same contest. I was first place in “on the spot painting contest” category, while he won the “on the spot drawing contest” – I didn’t know we joined different categories but we were side by side during the awarding of prizes. I could sense a silent rivalry. At least now, I have proven my worth.

And then came the final battle, our school sponsored an inter-school poster making contest, with water color as medium and the only category. We both joined and the heat of the rivalry reached its peak. I was determined to win, but I was not sure how to do it. So I just painted my heart out. Our works was on display for 3 days before a decission was made for the winners. I viewed closely all the works, and study each against my piece and my rival’s. Days after, I received my treasured gold medal in a painting contest – I won first place. He got the bronze, a third placer, the spot I humbly took the first time I joined.

I won the silent battle. 


My apartment is becoming the showroom for my paintings.

That was many years ago, I was just more than a child then. But that childish rivalry served as catalyst for me to take my gift seriously. If nobody does, then at least I should be and that is my obligation, my way of paying tribute to the true source of the gift: my creator and my God.

I didn’t stop. I continue to enrich myself, I am a self-taught artist. I remember when I arrived here, one of the first places I searched and visited was the Art Institute Of Chicago. I can’t stop my tears, I was crying watching all the artworks – now I understand what my soul is hungry for.

I started painting again, July 2007. And the first person I gave a painting many years after, is the person who unselfishly believe I could win a painting competition back in college – We are grown ups now, away from home. But I always remember that at one point in my life there was Ronald who convinced me I could do wonders with my gift.


Fish Of Mind” Oil On Canvas 30×38, By: Jeques B. Jamora, Oct. 31, 2007. (The first painting I gave away here in Chicago to payback the first person who believed I can paint and made me join the first painting competition I joined and won).


 Little by little, in my own slow pace I am feeding my hunger to cure my itch. Now more than ever, I am thankful I am a nurse, this profession I loathed at first for it took me away from my arts, brought me here and made me afford the materials I need to continue my self study. 

Every now and then I visit that child that draw in his loneliness and pat him on his back to reassure him he would be fine. I look back to that childish rivalry, to that contests. I treasure the medal, the achievement of winning that silent battle, but more than all that, I think the experience empowered me more than the prize.


I feel good viewing my paintings as they transform my apartment to the place I was dreaming as a child.

For more of my paintings, please click links to MY PAINTING PAGES



This week the writers island promts us to write about being “Empowered” and “Rivalry” this is my contribution.

Please visit the island, click link below to navigate to the writers island:


17 responses

  1. One of my sons is an excellent artist, but didn’t follow it through. It was a shame.
    This is a great post.

    PM000000100000002131 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm03

  2. Anthony,

    I always believe that it’s neven too late, I hope your son would find that in his heart.


    I wish you well.

    ~ Jeques

    PM000000110000004131 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm03

  3. Very jealous 😀
    Your paintings and sketches are simply amazing! You do fantastic forms and colours. Passion is a gift in any talent, guard it and hold it close to your heart!

    AM000000120000002631 10, 2007 at 12:00 am03

  4. Your work is simply amazing. One day I’d love to own a piece.

    AM00000030000003031 10, 2007 at 12:00 am03

  5. you have lots of paintings already. one day you will have an exhibit. when i was a kid, i tried to be in a competitive mode but as time went by, i realized that it didnt always to be a competition.

    and regarding photo contests, i only join them to skip the first friday mass hehe

    AM00000060000003131 10, 2007 at 12:00 am03

  6. Lovely paintings.. you are too good


    PM00000090000004231 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm03

  7. What a fabulous post, Jeques! I know the pulls you describe and the lack of support. You spoke of it all quite eloquently.

    AM000000120000004431 10, 2007 at 12:00 am03

  8. Paris Parfait

    Congratulations for continuing your artistic pursuits! Wonderful work! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    AM00000010000004031 10, 2007 at 12:00 am03

  9. Your apartment reflects that of a painter…of which you are heart and soul. My oldest sister is a painter, not by profession, but passion, and has been painting since very small. She too was self-taught and for being self-taught, like you, I think her paintings to be exceptional.

    Continue to nourish that which moves you because it is through that primal medium that your true self is revealed. All of your artwork is simply spectacular.


    AM00000020000000631 10, 2007 at 12:00 am03

  10. wonderful paintings Jeques! I really enjoyed this take on empowered!

    AM00000040000002831 10, 2007 at 12:00 am03

  11. You are a man of multi talents… may you remain ever in touch with your creative spirit! 😉

    AM00000060000000331 10, 2007 at 12:00 am03

  12. Breathtakingly beautiful your paintings are and very eloquently put. Thanks for sharing with all of us. Coming by your blog is always a pleasure as I get to feast on lovely paintings/sketches along with the beautiful frank verses/poems/articles.

    Think you can grow as an artist as its evident you’re artistically inclined. Anyawys, all the best in whatever you do.

    PM00000010000004831 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm03

  13. Wonderful paintings. Here’s to continued growth and ’empowerment’. 🙂

    PM00000060000003631 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm03

  14. Your passion for drawing and painting has empowered you to continue doing it and continue to improve your craft.

    Wonderful piece. And the photos of your art work are amazing!

    AM00000060000002731 10, 2007 at 12:00 am03

  15. Lee

    Great stuff, love the tiger… keep working!

    – Lee (Blogger, Drawn In Black)

    AM00000010000001231 10, 2007 at 12:00 am03

  16. jeques, another parallel in our universe, painting, im into it too but you are a realist and im an abstractionist. i didnt follow through after college. but i had become an admirer of your paintings. they are peaceful and focused. i especially like the mangrove and the coral with little Nemo. hope you can read my blog “Munad” of how i also cultivated this art form.

    back to your writing, rivalry fleshes something out of us. daring us to be a little braver and transform us into warriors of beauty and wit. i like how the writing details your natural birth into arts. you are truly a gifted person.

    i envy your apartment, im an architect myself and an interior designer, but you had a design sense. so cosmopolitan. maybe you can try a hand knowing about design too.

    AM00000010000001030 10, 2007 at 12:00 am09

  17. Marvin,

    Again, thanks. I love to decorate – I think it’s innate to every artist to play with space and color – interior designers use space as their canvas to create their masterpieces. In my post “Cosmic dust once, too” I look at rearranging furnitures in a different light:

    Cosmic Dust Once, Too.

    It is interesting to note that you also paint. I’m excited to see your works as an abstractionist. I had abstract works before but they still come in realist figures taking symbolism to give hints to the truth behind the obvious.

    I wish you well.

    ~ Jeques

    AM00000010000001430 10, 2007 at 12:00 am09

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